Prepositions Reminder:
Prepositions can get confusing even for English speakers. Here is a friendly reminder to keep those little words in order.
I was born in February ------ GENERAL- the month
I was born on the 26th ------ is ------ SPECIFIC- the day
I was born on (a) Tuesday
I was in the north of Israel (not the south, not the center, etc.)
I was born at the hospital on February 26th. (We focus on the most specific)
I was born in July
I was born on the 24th
I was born on July 24th
THE- relates to something more specific. The best movie ever was The Sound of Music. Why is this ‘the’, because there are many movies out there and you are talking about a specific one.
I work at Gett in the finance department
I work at Sunday Sky in the creative department
I’m on the plane, sitting in my seat at the back of the plane.
“Don’t look in front of you at the insurmountable mountains, look behind you at the ones you have already conquered. ”